

Anda bersetuju dengan terma dan syarat yang ditetapkan dalam Perjanjian ini berkenaan dengan penggunaan Laman Web. Perjanjian ini merupakan perjanjian tunggal dan sahaja antara anda dan Perisian ini berkenaan dengan penggunaan Laman Web dan mengatasi semua perjanjian, representasi, jaminan dan/atau pemahaman sebelum ini atau serentak berkenaan dengan Laman Web. Kami boleh meminda Perjanjian ini dari semasa ke semasa atas budi bicara kami, tanpa memberi notis khusus kepada anda. Perjanjian terkini akan dipaparkan di Laman Web, dan anda harus mengkaji semula Perjanjian sebelum menggunakan Laman Web. Dengan terus menggunakan Laman Web dan/atau Perkhidmatan, anda dengan ini bersetuju untuk mematuhi semua terma dan syarat yang terkandung dalam Perjanjian yang berkuatkuasa pada masa tersebut. Oleh itu, anda harus secara berkala memeriksa halaman ini untuk mendapatkan pembaruan dan/atau perubahan.







TheSoftware occasionally offers Contests where participants have the chance to win promotional prizes and other awards. To enter a Contest, you must provide accurate information on the Contest registration form and agree to the Official Contest Rules. Fill out the appropriate entry form to participate in the Contests featured on the Website. It is important that the Contest Registration Data you provide is true, accurate, current, and complete. TheSoftware reserves the right to reject Contest Registration Data if it is found, in TheSoftware’s sole discretion, that: (i) you have violated any part of the Agreement; and/or (ii) the Contest Registration Data is incomplete, fraudulent, duplicated, or otherwise unacceptable. TheSoftware may modify the Registration Data requirements at its discretion.




The content, organization, graphics, design, compilation, magnetic translation, digital conversion, software, services and other matters related to the Website, Content, Contests and Services are protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary (including, but not limited to, intellectual property) rights. The copying, redistribution, publication or sale by you of any part of the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services is strictly prohibited. Systematic retrieval of material from the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services by automated means or any other form of scraping or data extraction in order to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory without written permission from TheSoftware is prohibited. You do not acquire ownership rights to any content, document, software, services or other materials viewed at or through the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services. The posting of information or material on the Website, or by and through the Services, by TheSoftware does not constitute a waiver of any right in or to such information and/or materials. The TheSoftware name and logo, and all associated graphics, icons and service names, are trademarks of TheSoftware. All other trademarks appearing on the Website or by and through the Services are the property of their respective owners. The use of any trademark without the applicable owner’s express written consent is strictly prohibited.








Anda bersetuju untuk memberi ganti rugi dan mempertahankan TheSoftware, setiap ibu bapa, subsidiari, dan rakan kongsi mereka, dan masing-masing ahli, pegawai, pengarah, pekerja, ejen, atau rakan kongsi lain, terlepas daripada dan melibatkan sebarang tuntutan, perbelanjaan (termasuk yuran guaman yang munasabah), kerosakan, saman, kos, kehendak, dan/atau keputusan, dibuat oleh pihak ketiga disebabkan oleh atau timbul daripada: (a) penggunaan anda terhadap Laman Web, Perkhidmatan, Kandungan dan/atau penyertaan dalam mana-mana Pertandingan; (b) pelanggaran anda terhadap Perjanjian; dan/atau (c) pelanggaran anda terhadap hak-hak individu dan/atau entiti lain. Peruntukan-peruntukan perenggan ini adalah untuk faedah TheSoftware, setiap ibu bapa, subsidiari dan/atau rakan kongsi mereka, dan masing-masing pegawai, pengarah, ahli, pekerja, ejen, pemegang saham, pemberi lesensi, pembekal, dan/atau peguam mereka. Setiap individu dan entiti ini mempunyai hak untuk menegaskan dan menegakkan peruntukan-peruntukan ini terus terhadap anda atas nama mereka sendiri.


The Website may provide links to and/or refer you to other Internet websites and/or resources including, but not limited to, those owned and operated by Third Party Providers. Because TheSoftware has no control over such third party websites and/or resources, you hereby acknowledge and agree that TheSoftware is not responsible for the availability of such third party websites and/or resources. Furthermore, TheSoftware does not endorse, and is not responsible or liable for, any terms and conditions, privacy policies, content, advertising, services, products and/or other materials at or available from such third party websites or resources, or for any damages and/or losses arising therefrom.


